
Guide Diapering Newborn

It is a task that must be performed several times a day and, although it is simple, to make it as an expert should you have in mind certain details. You count them.

Being so small your baby will wet the diaper after every take, which means you have to change about eight times a day (if fewer than six wet diapers a day I tell her doctor, because you may have a problem). To asearle well 's bottom child can use wipes or a soft sponge soaked in warm water (you must destine only to this use).

 Step by Step The way to avoid possible genital infections is to pass the cloth or sponge provided inside out and from front to back, and in the case of the sponge, rinse with water in each pass.

Guide Diapering Newborn
If it's a girl have to wipe well the interior of the labia mayora and if a child should withdraw the foreskin (it is the skin that covers the glans), down carefully to remove secretions that he may have become accumulated .

Done, dry your child's bum with a soft towel or let him into the air with him for a while, until you dry out. This is because moisture favors fungal poliferación and irritations. Once dry, apply the sunscreen and put the diaper. You will have to open it and pass below the bum, so that part of the adhesive remains in the back.

Adjusted but without pressing
Do not make the mistake of leaving it loose, thinking that would be more comfortable because you will be moved as changing positions and so is more likely to pee or poop is out and the small end soaked or soiled.

You must adjust well, without getting to oppress, that it is firmly in place. Check adhesives are completely symmetrical, so that the diaper does not bother you and your little one feel comfortable wearing it.

Despite your care and the effectiveness of the diapers, which are super-soft to the touch and very absorbent, it is sure that your little one will irritate the ass sometimes.

It will happen because you have very sensitive skin and contact with urine and feces, even if only for a few minutes, it is very aggressive to her. So you must be especially careful and change as needed.

Choose your size diaper and bum cream
To prevent your child will overflow the diaper there is a formula: add 2 kg of their weight. For example, if you weigh 4 kg, Throw in 2. As the result is 6, have to buy the package of diapers that goes from 4-10 kg, not going from 0-4 kg.

As for sunscreen, aplícasela always, not just when angry, because its function is precisely to prevent chafing. And if you have barrier effect, much better. In case your son should replace sting itself which prompted his pediatrician, who will be more appropriate to resolve the situation. What you should not do is throw talcum powder, because they dry and not protected. Yes you can use liquid talc

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